Community Service

SIGNATURE PROJECT – FOOD DISTRIBUTION: To help reduce food waste and address food insecurity, we pick up surplus food every day from a few businesses and deliver to organizations that feed people needing assistance. We appreciate our partnerships with Ralphs La Cañada, Ralphs La Crescenta, and Golden Donut in La Cañada that contribute unsold food still safe to eat. We proudly support these organizations by delivering food to: Bailey Center, Door of Hope, Friends in Deed, and the Salvation Army Adult Center.

ASCENCIA: We make hundreds of snack bags that their street outreach team hands out when they approach homeless people to assess their need for assistance. Their need is ongoing. (Glendale)

BAILEY CENTER: Every other month we ask what the food pantry needs, and have a budget to buy and deliver the items to the Bailey Center. For Thanksgiving 2024, our club members donated money to buy 100 turkeys to hand out to the families.

BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS: We donated the Big Bug Feelings book, written by a local author, to all TK classrooms, Kindergarten classrooms, and school Libraries at 10 Elementary Schools in La Cañada & La Crescenta in 2024. (51 books) A fabulous book, check it out at

CAROLING AT CHRISTMAS: We enjoy spreading holiday cheer by singing our favorite Christmas songs.

CARRISO PARK HEADSTART DAY CARE: We collect children’s books for a preschool in Sylmar.

FIESTA DAYS: We are a major partner as La Cañada gathers to celebrate, remember, and respect on Memorial Day weekend. We host a French Toast Breakfast serving hundreds in Memorial Park on Saturday morning. Our past-presidents cheer and wave as they ride in a decorated truck in the Memorial Day parade.

FRIENDS IN DEED: Hygiene kits for the Woman’s Room.

HOME AGAIN L.A.: Welcome Home Kits with essential items to support homeless families transitioning into permanent housing.

RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE: Kids Activity kits with activities to do between medical treatments.

SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING: We ring the bell and greet customers at Ralphs La Cañada each December in hopes that people are in the giving spirit and give generously to the Salvation Army.

UNION STATION PASADENA: Welcome Home Kits to help people moving in to transitional or permanent housing facilities.

WARMTH KITS FOR THE HOMELESS: When winter season brings low temperatures conditions, we made 100 kits each including a new hat, pair of socks, and pair of gloves. They were handed out to the homeless in Los Angeles along with a hot meal made by another local program.
