
COMMUNITY AWARDS – Some of our clubs proud accomplishments recognized by other organizations.

Ascencia Outstanding Service Organization Award (7/13/24) – We were recognized as a service organization that has demonstrated compassion and commitment to furthering the work of their mission, and the people they serve.

Les Tupper Organization Award (4/8/24) – La Cañada Flintridge Coordinating Council honored us for our long-term and board-based volunteer service to strengthen the La Cañada community.

INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION AWARDS – When these awards are purchased, the money is donated to Kiwanis International.

Hixson Fellowship: $1,000. Named after George F. Hixson, the first Kiwanis International President. A member can purchase this award.

  • Dick Barley (7/22/99), Dave Hemstreet (9/11/00), Joe Thompson (9/29/04), Joan Williams (3/24/99)

Tablet of Honor: $2,000. Bestowed by a club or member to honor another Kiwanian. A member cannot purchase this award.

  • Bill Barber (8/15/95), Sherrill Carbonetti (9/11/00), Jack Esterly (3/30/98), Joy Gifford (9/27/06), Don Graf (5/13/03), Dave Herrman (9/30/97), Frances Hill (1/21/01), Don Hingst (3/30/98), Marie Hyland (6/4/02), Alex Kirkaldy (7/5/99), T.J. Robinson (10/21/96), Margot Siess (1/2/01), Claire Slaughter (3/30/98), Joe Thompson (9/27/06), Jack Wheeler (1/2/01)

CAL-NEV-HA DISTRICT FOUNDATION AWARDS – When these award are purchased, the money is donated to Kiwanis CAL-NEV-HA District.

Dunlap Fellowship: $1,000. Named after past Governor William A. Dunlap for his leadership in founding the Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation. A member can purchase this award.

  • Martha Burns (06-07), Erik Fiske (08-09), Dave Herrman (10-11), Frances Hill (06-07), Rosemary Hook (03-04), Brian Hummel (05-06), Phyllis Trueblood (08-09)

Tablet of Honor: $500. Bestowed by a club or member to honor another Kiwanian. A member cannot purchase this award.

  • Martha Burns (03-04), Vince Feehan (02-03), Joy Gifford (02-03), Dave Hemstreet (09-10), Dave Herrman (03-04), Rosemary Hook (09-10), Joe Thompson (03-04)

Distinguished Service: $200. An annual club award, recipients chosen by our club President.

  • Bill Barber (06-07), Dick Barley (02-03,09-10), Duane Batenhorst (10-11), Joanne Berg (12-13), Cindy Bradford (22-23), Clovis Buchanan (17-18), Bob Burlison (12-13), Martha Burns (06-07,08-09), Marilyn Cable (08-09), Julia Cameron (07-08,12-13), Sherrill Carbonetti (06-07), Christie & Sean Crahan (19-20), Janice Croft (07-08,10-11,11-12), Yvonne Dickie (07-08,08-09), Fraser Draper (03-04,06-07,11-12), Chris Ecker (15-16,21-22), Barbie Eland (14-15,18-19), Barbara Esterly (04-05), Jack Esterly (04-05), Vince Feehan (06-07), Erik Fiske (03-04,08-09), Joy Gibson (13-14), Joy Gifford (97-98), David Granish (07-08,12-13), Elaine Harada (08-09), Dave Hemstreet (04-05), Frances Hill (05-06,08-09), Don Hingst (09-10), Shirley Hingst (07-08), Rosemary Hook (07-08,20-21), Brian Hummel (14-15,21-22), Dani Hudar (21-22), Marie Hyland (96-97,14-15), Chuck Johnson (99-00,01-02,11-12), Susan Johnson (11-12), Ernest Koeppen (00-01), Barbara Kuhl (09-10), Jack Labrie (20-21), Ed Moulton (97-98), Tom Petersmeyer (06-07,11-12,16-17), Joyce Ruygrok (04-05), Donn Sarbaum (10-11), Tim Scheck (05-06), Oboe Schoeman (10-11), Margot Siess (98-99), Claire Slaughter (06-07), John Soukup (05-06), Jean Spomer (07-08), Kira Stiglich (13-14), Sydni Taylor (20-21), Joe Thompson (16-17), Phyllis Trueblood (06-07,08-09), Norie Varga (22-23)

Community Service: $200.

  • Ana – Ralphs La Crescenta Bakery (18-19), Maritza – Ralphs La Canada Bakery (18-19), Sy – Golden Donuts (11-12), Loretta Cole & Maureen O’Keefe – Bailey Center (21-22), Ernest Koeppen – LCF Rose Parade Float (23-24), Bill Madigan – Brothers Helpers (15-16)

Youth Service: $200.

  • Elaine Harada – Franklin Key Club (19-20), Barbara Kuhl – St. Bede Builders Club (09-10)
